To begin, draw your name or initials, Sign.Plus will automatically generate an unique handwritten signature.
Customize the appearance of your handwritten signature by adjusting the color.
Once you’re satisfied with your style and customizations, hit the "Download" button.
We have created a free handwritten signature solution to run on many platforms so it is convenient for you to use. Try it on your phone, tablet, or computer whether you run Windows or macOS. Wherever you decide to store your eSignature, only you have access to it. Alohi does not keep a record of the handwritten eSignatures created by Sign.Plus free handwritten signature generator for privacy reasons. Everything is done on your browser and no one but you has access to your created signature.
With Sign.Plus, you can sign or request a signature for any document file, and your signature will be legally binding. You can also use your newly created drawn signature to sign various types of documents, such as contracts, forms, proposals, Word documents, PDFs and more. It’s easier than ever to add a signature to any kind of document.
Yes, handwritten signatures are legally binding in many contexts. When generated using a reliable platform like Sign.Plus, your handwritten signature meets the necessary criteria for authenticity and intent. Digital signatures, when created and applied correctly, often hold the same legal weight as their ink-on-paper counterparts. It’s important to ensure that the signature is integrated securely within the document, following the legal standards applicable in your jurisdiction.