Free Handwritten Signature Generator

Our handwritten signature maker helps you produce your personalized and professional signature that you can use across your documents, emails, and digital communications.


Draw Your Name

To begin, draw your name or initials, Sign.Plus will automatically generate an unique handwritten signature.


Choose a Style

Customize the appearance of your handwritten signature by adjusting the color.


Download signature

Once you’re satisfied with your style and customizations, hit the "Download" button.

Handwritten Signature Examples and Inspiration

Warren Buffett

Steve Jobs

Mark Zuckerberg

Jeff Bezos

Elon Musk

Bill Gates

Clint Eastwood

Meryl Streep

Marlon Brando

Marilyn Monroe

Charlie Chaplin

Audrey Hepburn

Roger Federer


Muhammad Ali

Michael Jordan

Lionel Messi

Cristiano Ronaldo

Winston Churchill

Napoleon Bonaparte

Martin Luther King Jr.

Mahatma Gandhi

George Washington

Abraham Lincoln

Salvador Dalí

Vincent van Gogh

Pablo Picasso


Frida Kahlo

Jean Claude Monet

William Shakespeare

Mark Twain

Jane Austen

J.K. Rowling

Ernest Hemingway

Charles Dickens

Secure Handwritten Signatures

We have created a free handwritten signature solution to run on many platforms so it is convenient for you to use. Try it on your phone, tablet, or computer whether you run Windows or macOS. Wherever you decide to store your eSignature, only you have access to it. Alohi does not keep a record of the handwritten eSignatures created by Sign.Plus free handwritten signature generator for privacy reasons. Everything is done on your browser and no one but you has access to your created signature.

secure online signature generator maker
Draw Your Signature for Free

Can I use the eSignature I downloaded from this page on any document?

With Sign.Plus, you can sign or request a signature for any document file, and your signature will be legally binding. You can also use your newly created drawn signature to sign various types of documents, such as contracts, forms, proposals, Word documents, PDFs and more. It’s easier than ever to add a signature to any kind of document.

Are handwritten signatures legally binding?

Yes, handwritten signatures are legally binding in many contexts. When generated using a reliable platform like Sign.Plus, your handwritten signature meets the necessary criteria for authenticity and intent. Digital signatures, when created and applied correctly, often hold the same legal weight as their ink-on-paper counterparts. It’s important to ensure that the signature is integrated securely within the document, following the legal standards applicable in your jurisdiction.

Key Benefits of Using an handwritten signature maker: Convenience, Personalization, and Time-Saving

Time-Saving templates

Time Saving

Easily and quickly create an AI electronic signature - it is faster than traditional methods.
Eco-friendly icon


Transition into a paperless workflow and reduce carbon footprint.
secure icon


Advanced encryption measures to ensure the integrity of electronically signed documents.
conveniency icon


Sign documents electronically from anywhere, at any time, using any internet-connected device.
cross platform icon


Use scanning tools to streamline your workflow and apply your eSignature to secure your documents.
tracking and monitoring icon

Tracking & Monitoring

Signature tools provide visibility into the status of documents, allowing users to track when a document is sent, viewed, signed, and completed.

Want to eSign documents or send documents for signature?

Get started with Sign.Plus, the secure and free electronic signature solution

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How to create a handwritten signature?
Creating a handwritten signature online is easy with a Signature Generator. Start by choosing a reliable online tool that offers the option to draw your signature. Once on the platform, you can use a mouse, stylus, or your finger on a touchscreen device to manually draw your signature, mimicking the style of your handwritten signature. Many tools provide editing features, allowing you to adjust the thickness, color, and style of the signature to achieve the desired look. Once you're satisfied, simply download the digital version of your signature. This can then be inserted into documents, contracts, and forms for quick and secure electronic signing, offering a professional touch to all your digital interactions.
Can I directly insert my handwritten signature into a document?
Yes, you can. While this handwritten signature maker tool allows you to draw your signature and insert into a document after saving your drawn signature, you can also utilize the Sign.Plus legally-binding eSignature tool to save your realistic handwritten signature and sign documents securely with ease.
How to add handwritten signature in Word?
Using Sign.Plus is the simplest way to add your signature to Microsoft Word documents. First, visit Sign.Plus and use our handwritten signature generator free tool to design your signature. Once you’ve created and downloaded the signature image, open Sign.Plus and upload your word document. Insert a signature field and adjust the size and position as needed. For detailed guidance, check our dedicated tutorial on Sign.Plus.
How to add handwritten signature in Excel?
Adding your signature to Excel spreadsheets is equally straightforward with Sign.Plus. After generating your signature on our platform, download the image file. In Excel, navigate to Insert > Pictures, then upload your signature. Resize and place it appropriately on your sheet.
How to add handwritten signature in Gmail?
To personalize your emails with a handwritten signature, start by creating your signature on Sign.Plus. Once you have your signature image ready, open your Gmail settings and scroll to the Signature section. Click the Insert Image icon to upload your signature file. Adjust the alignment and size within Gmail. Our tutorial on Sign.Plus covers every detail for a professional email signature.
How to add handwritten signature in Google Docs?
Google Docs also supports custom signatures. After you generate your handwritten signature using Sign.Plus, download the image file. In Google Docs, click on Insert > Image and choose the file from your computer. Position the image as needed within your document. Visit our Sign.Plus help center for more insights on ensuring your documents look polished and authentic.
How to create a personalized signature?
Creating a signature that’s uniquely yours has never been easier. With Sign.Plus, you can customize every aspect of your signature—from the stroke style to the overall layout. Our platform walks you through selecting the perfect design elements, ensuring your signature reflects your personality and professionalism. Use our tool to experiment with different handwritten signature ideas for my name until you find the perfect match.