eSignature for Google Workspace

Easily sign and send documents using Sign.Plus directly within Google applications.

Sign.Plus's integration with Google Workspace enables seamless signing from Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Chromebook.

google esignature extension

Eliminate printing and manual signing

To start integrating with Google, install the Sign.Plus add-on and sign up by using your Google account. If your company uses Google Workspace, you can enable SSO on your Sign.Plus account to mitigate compliance and security risks. With this feature, team members can access Sign.Plus from their Google Workspace dashboard.

Install the Sign.Plus add-on for Google Workspace, and benefit from all of these features:

  • Available for free.

  • An easy, fast and secure way to sign and request signatures via Google applications.

  • Use your Google account to create a Sign.Plus account.

  • Collaborate with team members, and work together on documents.

esign gmail

eSign Any File from Gmail

Effortlessly sign documents directly from Gmail using the Sign.Plus web app. Choose your document, and utilize the add-on to apply your eSignature seamlessly.
esign documents google drive

eSign Documents from Google Drive

Sign documents with a single click from your Google Drive. Select the file you need, and access add-on on the sidebar to add your signature via the Sign.Plus web app.
esign documents chromebook

eSign Documents from Chromebook

Manage your documents, and sign and send paperwork seamlessly with the Sign.Plus application is available on the Google Play Store.
esign documents google docs

eSign Documents on Google Docs

Easily sign documents directly from your Google Docs editing page using the Sign.Plus extension. Follow the prompts to complete your signing process seamlessly via the Sign.Plus web app.
esign documents google spreadsheet

eSign Spreadsheets on Google Sheets

Sign documents effortlessly from Google Sheets using the Sign.Plus extension. Utilize the signing feature and follow the prompts to complete your signing process via the Sign.Plus web app.
esign documents presentations google slides

eSign Presentations on Google Slides

Conveniently add digital signatures to your Google Slides presentations with the Sign.Plus extension. Follow the prompts to complete your signing process seamlessly via the Sign.Plus web app.

Seal the Deal with Ease

Cross-platform electronic signature solution with the focus on security, compliance, and ease of use

legally binding google extension

Legally Binding

Comply with electronic signature regulations such as ESIGN, eIDAS, ZertES.
extensive integration google

Extensive Integrations

Seamless integration with applications and services you already use.
secure google extension

Extremely Secure

Online signing experience that meets strict global security standards.

Get the Sign.Plus add-on for Google Workspace now!

Sign.Plus add-on can save time and increase efficiency for businesses and individuals alike, delivering a simple, convenient, and secure way to manage electronic document signing within the Google Workspace.

Discover the seamless efficiency of Sign.Plus for streamlining document signing.

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