Draw Signature Online

Draw in the signature maker box with your mouse or trackpad to create a custom online signature.
Our handwritten online signature generator tool allows you to eSign your documents or contracts.

✨ Need your eSignature on a Document or Contract?

Create a Signature that Reflects Your Personality

The 3 Must when Creating a Signature.

Your signature is the most personal expression of your handwriting, a unique mark that speaks about who you are. The way you sign your name can unveil fascinating insights into your personality— in both life and business. Creating a handwritten signature is a personal and creative process, here are the 3 keys to crafting your signature:










Quick strokes



Casual use


Cursive Signature


Spread out

Sharp lines


Famous Signatures Examples

Warren Buffett

Steve Jobs

Mark Zuckerberg

Jeff Bezos

Elon Musk

Bill Gates

Clint Eastwood

Meryl Streep

Marlon Brando

Marilyn Monroe

Charlie Chaplin

Audrey Hepburn

Roger Federer


Muhammad Ali

Michael Jordan

Lionel Messi

Cristiano Ronaldo

Winston Churchill

Napoleon Bonaparte

Martin Luther King Jr.

Mahatma Gandhi

George Washington

Abraham Lincoln

Salvador Dalí

Vincent van Gogh

Pablo Picasso


Frida Kahlo

Jean Claude Monet

William Shakespeare

Mark Twain

Jane Austen

J.K. Rowling

Ernest Hemingway

Charles Dickens

Draw Your Signature for Free

Sign.Plus’ free handwritten signature maker tool allows you to create and draw your signature in just a few steps. Thanks to our user-friendly interface you are able to create a handwritten signature to your liking.

This easy-to-use signature creator allows you to customize and edit your electronic signature by changing the color, width, and angle of your drawn signature. When you are happy with the result, your generated electronic signature is available to download in PNG format. You can then start using it as a template to sign emails or any other document file (i.e. Word or PDF).

Draw Your Signature for Free
Draw Your Signature for Free

Can I use the eSignature I downloaded from this page on any document?

With Sign.Plus, you can sign or request a signature for any document file, and your signature will be legally binding. You can also use your newly created drawn signature to sign various types of documents, such as contracts, forms, proposals, Word documents, PDFs and more. It’s easier than ever to add a signature to any kind of document.

How can I create a handwritten signature online?

Creating a handwritten signature online is easy with a Signature Generator. Start by choosing a reliable online tool that offers the option to draw your signature. Once on the platform, you can use a mouse, stylus, or your finger on a touchscreen device to manually draw your signature, mimicking the style of your handwritten signature. Many tools provide editing features, allowing you to adjust the thickness, color, and style of the signature to achieve the desired look. Once you're satisfied, simply download the digital version of your signature. This can then be inserted into documents, contracts, and forms for quick and secure electronic signing, offering a professional touch to all your digital interactions.

Can I directly insert my handwritten signature into a document?

Yes, you can. While this handwritten signature maker tool allows you to draw your signature and insert into a document after saving your drawn signature, you can also utilize the Sign.Plus legally-binding eSignature tool to save your realistic handwritten signature and sign documents securely with ease.

Can I draw my signature online and save it for future use?

Yes, you can use our signature maker draw your signature online and save it for future use. Once you’ve created your signature using this free drawing signature tool, you’ll have the option to save it as an image file, such as .png or .jpg. This allows you to store your handwritten signature securely and access it whenever needed.

Benefits of Using the Drawing eSignature Tool


Drawing your AI signature online adds a personal touch to documents, making them feel more authentic and unique.


Hand-drawn signatures can be harder to replicate than typed or digital font signatures, reducing the risk of forgery.


A hand-drawn signature can lend credibility to a document, signaling to others that you have personally endorsed or agreed to its contents.


In some jurisdictions, hand-drawn signatures may be required for certain types of documents or transactions to be legally binding.

Want to eSign documents or send documents for signature?

Get started with Sign.Plus, the secure and free electronic signature solution

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